Kambo is a potent traditional medicine of the Mayoruna (Matsés) people. Poison secreted from the frog’s body is applied to a dot of intentionally singed skin and absorbed into the blood stream. This induces a purging experience in the body (often in the form of vomiting), but also reaches to the mind and emotions.

This medicine helped me overcome a chronic intestinal disease and the underlying psycho-emotional struggles I was having. After receiving it privately since 2015, in 2020 I was trained by a teacher who lived with and learned from the Mayoruna for eight years. He was given their express approval to teach others. As someone from outside of the culture I do my best to honor the lineage that has brought so much healing into my life.

I have been serving people since 2021 and welcome those who feel genuinely called to the frog. No one is charged a fee, but some form of energy exchange is necessary. No one is turned away for lack of ability to pay with money. For all who do join in a ritual with me, I am here to maintain safety, support you, and help you dig deep.

Kambo can bring us clarity, action, reduction in depression and addiction, relief from illness and many other benefits. It is also an ordeal medicine, and as such it is not physically suitable for all people. If you already know you would like to work with me, please fill out this form. If you have questions or are curious, you can contact me here.

Donation to the Mayoruna people

Kambo is indigenous medicine that we are able to work with thanks to the generosity of the Mayoruna people. If you would like to express your gratitude, please donate here. This organization works directly with the lineage keepers that initiated and taught my teacher.